Cloud Office Blocked Attachment Types
This article provides a comprehensive list of file types that
Rackspace Email or Hosted Exchange do not permit.
If you receive a bounce message when sending an email, see our list of
common email bounce messages for more
- Applies to: Administrators and Users
For more information on prerequisite terminology, see Cloud Office support terminology.
Blocked attachment types
Note: We cannot make exceptions for any file type listed for any reason.
File type | Full file name |
ade | Access Project Extension (Microsoft) |
adp | Access Project (Microsoft) |
app | Executable Application |
asp | Active Server Page |
vaspx | ASP.NET Web Page |
asx | Advanced Stream Redirector |
bas | BASIC Source Code |
bat | Batch Processing |
cer | Internet Security Certificate File |
chm | Compiled HTML Help |
cmd | DOS CP/M Command File Command File for Windows NT |
cnt | Index file for Windows help files |
com | Command |
cpl | Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft) |
crt | Certificate File |
csh | csh Script |
der | X509 Certificate |
exe | Executable File |
fxpv | FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft) |
gadget | Windows Vista gadget |
hlp | Windows Help File |
hpj | Microsoft Help Project File |
hta | Hypertext Application |
htc | HTML Component File |
inf | Information or Setup File |
ins | IIS Internet Communications Settings (Microsoft) |
isp | IIS Internet Service Provider Settings (Microsoft) |
its | Internet Document Set Internet Translation |
js | JavaScript Source Code |
jse | JScript Encoded Script File |
ksh | UNIX Shell Script |
lib | Static DLL Library Information File |
lnk | Windows Shortcut File |
mad | Access Module Shortcut (Microsoft) |
maf | Access (Microsoft) |
mag | Access Diagram Shortcut (Microsoft) |
mam | Access Macro Shortcut (Microsoft) |
maq | Access Query Shortcut (Microsoft) |
mar | Access Report Shortcut (Microsoft) |
mas | Access Stored Procedures (Microsoft) |
mat | Access Table Shortcut (Microsoft) |
mau | Access Shortcut Function |
mav | Access View Shortcut (Microsoft) |
maw | Access Data Access Page (Microsoft) |
mda | Access Add-in MDA Access 2 Workgroup (Microsoft) |
mdb | Access Application MDB Access Database (Microsoft) |
mde | Access MDE Database File (Microsoft) |
mdt | Access Add-in Data (Microsoft) |
mdw | Access Workgroup Information (Microsoft) |
mdz | Access Wizard Template (Microsoft) |
msc | Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control File (Microsoft) |
mht | Web Page Archive File |
mhtml | Web Page Archive File |
msh | 3D Modeling File |
msi | Windows Installer File (Microsoft) |
msp | Windows Installer Patch |
mst | Windows SDK Setup Transform Script |
msh1 | Microsoft Help File |
msh2 | Microsoft Help File |
mshmxl | Microsoft Help File |
msh1xml | Microsoft Help File |
msh2xml | Microsoft Help File |
ops | Office Profile Settings File |
osd | Open Software Description File |
pcd | Visual Test (Microsoft) |
pif | Windows Program Information File (Microsoft) |
plg | Aston Shell Plug-in |
prf | Windows System File |
prg | Program File |
pst | Microsoft Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File (Microsoft) |
reg | Registration Information or Key for Windows 95 or 98 Registry Data File |
scf | Windows Explorer Command |
scr | Windows Screen Saver |
sct | Windows Script Component FoxPro Screen (Microsoft) |
shb | Windows Shortcut into a Document |
shs | Shell Scrap Object File |
sys | Windows System File |
ps1 | Windows PowerShell Script |
ps1xm | Windows PowerShell Script |
ps2 | Windows PowerShell Script |
ps2xml | Windows PowerShell Script |
psc1 | Windows PowerShell Script |
psc2 | Windows PowerShell Script |
tmp | Temporary File/Folder |
url | Internet Location |
vb | VBScript File or Any Visual Basic Source |
vbe | VBScript Encoded Script File |
vbs | VBScript Script File Visual Basic for Applications Script |
vpb | Visual Basic Project File |
vsmacros | Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft) |
vss | Visio Stencil (Microsoft) |
vst | Visio Template (Microsoft) |
vsw | Visio Workspace File (Microsoft) |
vxd | Windows Virtual Device Driver |
ws | Windows Script File |
wsc | Windows Script Component |
wsf | Windows Script File |
wsh | Windows Script Host Settings File |
xnk | Exchange Shortcut |
xml | Extensible Markup Language |
Updated over 1 year ago