Cloud Load Balancer - Session Persistence
Session Persistence is an additional configuration option on a Cloud Load Balancer where subsequent requests from clients are directed to the same node in your load balancer pool.
Enable/Disable Session Persistence in the Cloud Control Panel
Here are three different ways to edit the Session Persistence option in the Cloud Control Panel.
- Networking > Load Balancers > Cog wheel next to Load Balancer name > Edit Session Persistence > Enable/Disable Session Persistence.
- Networking > Load Balancers > Select Load Balancer name > Actions button > Edit Session Persistence > Enable/Disable Session Persistence.
- Networking > Load Balancers > Select Load Balancer name > Scroll down to Optional Features > Session Persistence > Pencil icon > Enable/Disable Session Persistence.
Enable/Disable Session Persistence through Pitchfork API web application
Pitchfork is an interactive web application that allows a user to work with APIs in order to make configuration changes.
For more information on Pitchfork, please refer to the article below:
Check For Session Persistence
Send this API call with the Load Balancer ID and it will return the current Session Persistence setting.
Enable Session Persistence
Send this API call with the Load Balancer ID and also select the persistence type.
- HTTP_COOKIE - A session persistence mechanism that inserts an HTTP cookie and is used to determine the destination back-end node. This is supported for HTTP load balancing only.
- SOURCE_IP - A session persistence mechanism that keeps track of the source IP address that is mapped and is able to determine the destination back-end node. This is supported for HTTPS pass-through and HTTP load balancing only.
Disable Session Persistence
Send this API call with the Load Balancer ID and it will disable Session Persistence.
Related Articles
For more a more detailed look at Session Persistence, please see our Developer Documentation.
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Updated over 1 year ago