Clear Your Sitecore Caches
After you publish changes to your Sitecore site, you might want to manually clear your caches after publishing the changes.
Sitecore administrators can view their Sitecore cache administration page using the URL https://{sitecoreurl}/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx. However, Sitecore cache administration pages are blocked for security purposes.
To clear your caches, Sitecore recommends restarting your Sitecore site's web app in the Microsoft Azure portal. This action creates a fresh cache for your website's content.
Restarting your web app can cause temporary downtime for your website.
- Your login credentials for the Azure portal. For information about how to log in to the Azure portal, see Sitecore Cloud portals and account management.
Restart the web app for Azure
Log in to the Azure portal.
Browse to your Sitecore site's web app.
In the Overview section, click Restart.
When you are prompted to restart the web app, Select Yes.
Updated over 1 year ago