Attach a Cloud Block Storage Volume to an OnMetal Server through the Cloud Control Panel
Your OnMetal server can connect to a Cloud Block Storage volume.
Connecting an OnMetal server to a Cloud Block Storage volume is useful if you need more than 32 GB of storage but don't need the fast I/O normally provided by an OnMetal server. Using an OnMetal server with Cloud Block Storage is particularly useful for OnMetal Compute and Memory v1 flavors.
Use the following procedure to attach a volume to your OnMetal server through the Cloud Control Panel. The procedure assumes that the server instance already exists.
Create a New Volume
Use the following steps to create a new volume.
If you have already created a volume, go to the Attach a volume section.
Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
Under the Storage tab, choose Block Storage Volumes.
Click Create Volume and complete the fields.
Click Create Volume again.
Attach a Volume
Use the following steps to attach a volume:
Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
Under the Storage tab, choose Block Storage Volumes.
Click the cog beside the volume that you want to attach and select Attach Volume.
Select a server from the list and click Attach Volume.
You can attach more than one volume to a server.
You must use a command-line interface (CLI) to complete steps 5 - 12.
Using SSH, log in to the OnMetal server you want to attach the volume to.
From inside the instance, perform all instructions as
. -
Set some variables from the metadata.
$ export $ export TARGET_PORTAL= $ export
Ensure that the iSCSI tooling is installed.
For the Ubuntu® operating system and Debian:
$ apt-get update $ apt-get install open-iscsi
For Fedora® and Centos®:
$ yum install iscsi-initiator-utils
Discover what block devices exist so that you can find your new one later. The output might vary depending on the server flavor.
$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 28.9G 0 disk sda1 8:1 0 28.8G 0 part / sda2 8:2 0 64M 0 part sdb 8:16 0 1.5T 0 disk sdc 8:32 0 1.5T 0 disk
Set up the iSCSI client.
$ echo InitiatorName=$INITIATOR_NAME > /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
Attach the Cloud Block Storage volume.
$ iscsiadm -m discovery --type sendtargets --portal $TARGET_PORTAL,1,1 $ iscsiadm -m node --targetname=$TARGET_IQN --portal $TARGET_PORTAL --login Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] (multiple) Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
Find the block device that you just added. In this case, it is
.$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 28.9G 0 disk sda1 8:1 0 28.8G 0 part / sda2 8:2 0 64M 0 part sdb 8:16 0 1.5T 0 disk sdc 8:32 0 1.5T 0 disk sdd 8:48 0 2G 0 disk
Now you can use the device just like other cloud servers. For more information, see Prepare your Cloud Block Storage volume.
Detach a Volume
If you want to detach a volume from an OnMetal server, ensure that the volume is fully unmounted from within the OnMetal server before completing the following steps.
Under the Storage tab, choose Block Storage Volumes.
Click the cog beside the volume that you want to attach and select Detach Volume.
Click Detach Volume.
When volumes are attached to an instance, you cannot delete a volume from that instance. The instance succeeds if you detach the volume, then delete the volume again.
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Updated over 1 year ago