Alarm Language in Rackspace Monitoring
Rackspace Monitoring provides a powerful alarm language that enables you to set thresholds and create complex alarms. By using Rackspace Monitoring rather than a Nagios® server, for example, you can do the following:
Create expressive alarms that validate multiple criteria by using a JavaScript-like language rather than a JSON API. Following is an example alarm definition:
if (metric['duration'] > 2000) { return CRITICAL, "HTTP request took more than 2 seconds, it took #{duration} milliseconds." } if (metric['duration'] > 1000) { return WARNING, "HTTP request took more than 1 second, it took #{duration} milliseconds." } # Check for an empty body match if (metric['body_match'] == "") { return CRITICAL, "Body match missing" } return OK, "HTTP connection time is normal"
Use solution patterns to help you create your own complex alarms. Use our API to keep up-to-date on these examples.
Put developers in control by letting them build thresholds similar to how you create your application code.
Test thresholds before you configure them. Use data from the test check API operation and feed that into the test alarm operation to simulate an alerting scenario.
Use multiple data center alert policies to seamlessly evaluate alarm criteria from multiple data centers. The following graph shows a check running in three monitoring zones. The yellow and red areas represent when an alarm is in
, respectively. -
Send an alert to different notification addresses depending on severity.
Reduce false alerts on network issues.
Start monitoring faster and spend less system administration time ensuring that the server stays online.
Updated 10 months ago