Add self-service password recovery to your Rackspace Email Webmail site
You can enable Rackspace Email users to change their passwords without
contacting an administrator. To do this, you must first enable mobile
phone collection for your private label Webmail
site. Then, you follow the steps in this
article to link to the self-service password recovery from your
Rackspace Email Webmail site login page.
For direct customers
To link to the self-service password recovery, add a line of HTML code
to your private label login page, as follows:
Log in to
Click Rackspace Email.
Click Webmail Sites.
Click Login/Logout Pages.
Add the following HMTL code between the
tags.<a href="/forgot-password" id="forgot_password">Forgot Password?</a>
Click Save.
For resellers
To link to the self-service password recovery, add a line of HTML code
to your private label login page, as follows:
Log in to
Click Reseller Tools.
Click Webmail Sites.
Choose a Webmail site and click Customize.
Click Login/Logout Pages.
Add the following HTML code between the
tags.<a href="/forgot-password" id="forgot_password">Forgot Password?</a>
Click Save.
Updated over 1 year ago