Add a User to the Local Administrators Group in Windows Server 2012
Use the following instructions to add a user to the local administrators group in Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012:
The administrator role automatically gives you Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access to the server. You do not need to assign the
Remote Desktop
group or role to someone that is an administrator.
Open the Start menu and navigate to the run command (or press Windows Key+R).
Type in lusrmgr.msc to open the Local User Management window.
Select the Users folder to display the list of users.
Right-click on the user you want to add to the local administrators group and click Properties.
Switch to the Member of tab and click Add.
In the text box, enter Administrators and click Check names. This action finds, highlights, and underlines the administrators group. After you review the information, click Ok.
Click Ok on the Properties window to save the change.
For the best possible security for your administrators, we strongly recommend that you change the passwords frequently to reduce any malicious attempts to access either your devices or services.
Updated 8 days ago