Using Ansible with Heat

Brief summary

In this tutorial, we will show you how to leverage Ansible via Heat and software config to bootstrap an instance with a fully configured Nginx server.


  • You should prepare a bootstrapped image according to the Bootstrapping Software Config tutorial as we will be making use of the image pre-configured with all the required agents for software config.

  • This tutorial borrows heavily from An Ansible Tutorial. Reading this guide will give you a good idea of what we will be installing/configuring so you can focus on how we use Orchestration to integrate with Ansible rather than using Ansible itself.

Following along

You will probably want to clone this repository ( in order to easily follow along. Once cloned, change to the ansible directory of the repository.

Otherwise, you may need to modify some of the commands to point to the correct locations of various templates and/or environments. Full templates can always be found in the templates directory.

Basic template

As with all Heat templates, we start with the basic version and description sections:

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: |
  Deploy Nginx server with Ansible

For the parameters section, we will define a single parameter that will tell Orchestration which image to use for our server. This allows us some flexibility should the image name change or we have several to choose from:


  type: string


Now for the details. First we create a random password for accessing the server:

  type: OS::Heat::RandomString

Next we specify the playbook that will install Nginx:

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
    group: ansible
    config: |
      - name: Install and run Nginx
        connection: local
        hosts: localhost
         - name: Install Nginx
           apt: pkg=nginx state=installed update_cache=true
            - Start Nginx
         - name: Start Nginx
           service: name=nginx state=started

We then use an OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment to tell Orchestration we want to run the playbook on our server (which we will define in awhile):

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
    signal_transport: TEMP_URL_SIGNAL
      get_resource: nginx_config
      get_resource: server

Finally we will define the server the playbook will run on:

  type: OS::Nova::Server
    image: { get_param: image }
    admin_pass: { get_attr: [ server_pw, value ] }
    flavor: 2 GB Performance
    software_config_transport: POLL_TEMP_URL
    user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG

Notice that we have to specify the user_data_format as “SOFTWARE_CONFIG” so that Orchestration knows to set up the proper signal handling between it and the server. It is good practice to specify software_config_transport, and while “POLL_TEMP_URL” is the only value supported on the Rackspace Cloud, it should also be the default for Cloud Orchestration and can be safely omitted.


The outputs defined in this template give us ready access to the results of the deployment and show off how software config makes it easier to see the state of your configuration, the results, and any errors or output it may have generated without having to remotely log into your servers and search through logs. The description property of these outputs tells you what each represents.

    description: Ansible Output
      get_attr: [ deploy_nginx, deploy_stdout ]
    description: Ansible Error Output
      get_attr: [ deploy_nginx, deploy_stderr ]
    description: Exit Code
      get_attr: [ deploy_nginx, deploy_status_code ]
    description: Server IP Address
      get_attr: [ server, accessIPv4 ]
    description: Server Password
      get_attr: [ server_pw, value ]

Deploy the basic template

Before you deploy, you will need to have created an image that already has the needed agents for software config. The Bootstrapping Software Config walks you through it. Alternatively, you can use the information in that and previous tutorials to add the appropriate bootstrapping to this template.

To deploy this template, simply issue the standard command:

heat stack-create -f templates/software_config_ansible.yaml -P "image=Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (HEAT)" my_nginx_simple

Once the stack is CREATE_COMPLETE, you can visit your new Nginx homepage by checking the stack output for the ip and entering that into your web browser:

heat output-show my_nginx_simple server_ip

You can also check the results of the playbook by checking the other outputs:

heat output-show my_nginx_simple status_code  # Ansible return code
heat output-show my_nginx_simple stdout       # Ansible output
heat output-show my_nginx_simple stderr       # Error details (if any; should be empty)

Advanced Template with Roles

While the basic template gives a good idea of how Orchestration integrates with Ansible, we will look at a slightly more advanced usage leveraging Ansible roles. We will tweak the previous template a small amount, so make a copy and call it “software_config_ansible_role.yaml”.

The role and its components can be found in this repository ( under the roles directory.

New resources

We will add two new resources to pull down the role we want to use and put it in a place Ansible can access it:

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
    group: script
    config: |
      git clone
      cp -r rs-heat-docs/ansible/roles /etc/ansible/roles
      # needed dependency by one of the Ansible modules
      apt-get install -y python-pycurl

This is a simple script that clones this repository and copies the role to the right place. It also installs a dependency needed by one of the modules used in the role.

We’ll also deploy that script to the server:

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
    signal_transport: TEMP_URL_SIGNAL
      get_resource: pull_role_config
      get_resource: server

Modify playbook

Since we’re using roles to do all of the heavy lifting, we will modify our nginx_config resource to simply apply the role:

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
    group: ansible
    config: |
      - name: Apply Nginx Role
        hosts: localhost
        connection: local
        - nginx

We will also need to modify the deployment of the playbook to depend on the deploy_role resource, since we will need the role installed before we can apply it:

  type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
  depends_on: deploy_role
    signal_transport: TEMP_URL_SIGNAL
      get_resource: nginx_config
      get_resource: server

Modify outputs

Our script for pulling the role definition is not very sophisticated. We are not capturing or writing any output, but we can examine the exit code of our script. We will add that to the outputs section so we can check it if we need to:

  description: Exit Code returned from deploying the role to the server
    get_attr: [ deploy_role, deploy_status_code ]

Deploy the advanced template

Deploying the new template is the same as above, we just change the template name:

heat stack-create -f templates/software_config_ansible_role.yaml -P "image=Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (HEAT)" my_nginx_role

We can also check outputs the same way, by simply changing the stack name:

heat output-show my_nginx_role status_code      # Ansible return code
heat output-show my_nginx_role stdout           # Ansible output
heat output-show my_nginx_role stderr           # Error details (if any; should be empty)
heat output-show my_nginx_role role_status_code # Exit code of the role script

Reference documentation