Customer benefits from Cloud Networks

These are some of the ways in which Cloud Networks can be useful within your Cloud Servers configuration:

  • Isolate your servers

    You can create servers without public or private (ServiceNet) network interfaces, making them accessible only through Cloud Networks.

  • Full control over IP addresses

    Unlike PublicNet and ServiceNet, it is possible to assign specific Cloud Networks IPs to Cloud Servers, either at build time (by creating a port with a fixed IP) or to an existing server (by creating a port with a fixed IP and the existing server’s UUID as device ID).

  • Enforce consistent network configuration

    Program routes, the gateway IP, and DNS servers into the Cloud Network API and have them automatically injected in your servers at build time or when the network is attached. Use a Gateway Instance to connect your isolated Cloud Servers to the Internet.

  • NAT or VPN endpoint or network segmentation

    Combine Cloud Networks with Gateway Instances to connect your isolated Cloud Servers to the Internet. You can also use Cloud Networks to connect your isolated Cloud Servers to a VPN endpoint, enabling secure connectivity to resources outside Rackspace Cloud. Within Rackspace Cloud, you can also use multiple Cloud Networks to segment traffic.

  • Cluster your applications

    Cloud Networks includes full support for broadcasting and multicasting as required for some clustering technologies.

  • Simplify network changes

    You can make networking changes to existing deployments without having to rebuild your server.

  • Automate network changes

    By using the Cloud Networks API or Cloud Orchestration, you can develop custom software to automatically create networks and attach or detach servers based on workload requirements.

  • Scale networks as you grow

    You can attach up to 250 servers to a single cloud network. You can have up to 10 cloud networks per region.