Listing servers (nova client)#

  1. Issue the following command.

    List servers with nova request

    $ nova list

    For each server, the command returns the server ID, name, status, and addresses for any attached networks, as shown in the following output.

    List servers with nova response

    | ID                                   | Name           | Status | Networks                                                                              |
    | 9da98125-0de8-4b84-880c-b42977c32773 | myUbuntuServer | ACTIVE | public=2001:4800:780d:0509:d87b:9cbc:ff04:488b,; private= |
    | a09e7493-7429-41e1-8d3f-384d7ece09c0 | UbuntuDevStack | ACTIVE | public=2001:4800:780e:0510:d87b:9cbc:ff04:3e81,; private=   |

    The networks include any isolated networks that you have created and Rackspace public and private networks.

  2. Look for the server you just created in the list of servers. Servers are listed by server ID.

Next topic: Deleting server