Creating a virtual interface (nova client)#

Issue the following nova client command.

Create a virtual interface with nova request

$ nova virtual-interface-create <network_id> <instance_id>

Positional arguments:

  • network_id. The ID of the network for which you want to create a virtual interface.

  • instance_id. The ID of the server instance to which you want to connect the virtual interface.

The operation returns a response, as shown in the following output.

Create a virtual interface with nova response

| Property     | Value                                                                                          |
| id           | 045f195f-3347-487b-8e80-8ee3390eda56                                                           |
| ip_addresses | label=added_network, network_id=1f7920d3-0e63-4fec-a1cb-f7916671e8eb, ip_address=   |
| mac_address  | FE:ED:FA:00:08:93                                                                              |

Next topic: Listing virtual interfaces for a server