Back up a database instance#

After you have loaded your data and connected to your application, Rackspace recommends that you back up your data.

Following are two methods to back up your database:

Backing up by using the trove client#

You can back up a database instance by using the backup-create command. You need to include the ID for the database instance and supply a name for the backup.

You can also include an optional backup description, enclosed in double quotation marks, for example "backup for my favorite database"

The following example creates a back up of the mytroveinstance database created by the example in Create a Database Instance .

Run the backup-create command to back up a database instance.

$ trove backup-create <instance_id> <name> --description <description>

The command returns the name and id for the backup among the other information:

|   Property  |                Value                 |
|   created   |         2014-04-29T13:53:08          |
| description |         sample trove backup          |
|      id     | dcb64318-ddca-452e-a896-02cecc5c0aa1 |
| instance_id | 18d48a36-0682-4cd7-a419-864105d6079a |
| locationRef |                 None                 |
|     name    |            mytrovebackup             |
|  parent_id  |                 None                 |
|     size    |                 None                 |
|    status   |                 NEW                  |
|   updated   |         2014-04-29T13:53:08          |

Backing up by using cURL#

The following example shows the cURL request to backup data for a specified database instance. You need to include the ID for the database instance in the request.

This operation does not require a request body.

Example Backup Database Instance cURL request

curl -s -d \
  "backup": {
      "description": "<backup_description>",
      "instance": "<instance_id>",
      "name": "<backup_name>"
}' \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
$API_ENDPOINT/backups | python -m json.tool

Remember to replace the names in the example above with their actual respective values:

  • backup_description — description for the backup

  • instance_id — as returned in your create instance response (See the the cURL example in Create a Database Instance.)

  • backup_name — name of the backup

The following example shows a successful response for the back up database request.

JSON response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.6.7)
Content-Length: 267
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:47:55 GMT
Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)

    "backup": {
        "created": "2013-06-27T19:47:55",
        "description": "My Backup",
        "id": "8c40f9c2-6fe8-4b6b-a823-8a6b1d181f09",
        "instance_id": "f07ac506-1a99-4a2a-9a32-869b453019ef",
        "locationRef": null,
        "name": "snapshot",
           "status": "NEW",
           "updated": "2013-06-27T19:47:55"

You can see that the backups were successfully created.