
This section describes security features for Cloud Databases.

User access restriction by host#

Cloud Databases supports the specification of a host parameter when creating and modifying users. This parameter adds the additional security measure of restricting the hosts from which a database user is allowed to connect to the database. The host parameter specifies the host a user must connect from in order for the username and password to be allowed to connect to the database on an instance.

The host parameter must be a string consisting of either a numeric IPv4 address such as “”, or the string “%”. The string “%” serves as a wildcard to the database, and means “from anywhere”. Users created without mention of the host parameter are given the default value of “%”, which allows them to connect to the database from any host.

It is important to note that two database users with the same name but different hosts are treated as completely distinct from each other, especially when it comes to listing users and modifying their database access with the API. This means that the username alone is not sufficient to refer to a user in some cases. To remove ambiguity, every API response that names users now also includes the host field.

The host field may optionally be provided for each user in the body of Create Instance, Create User, and Change User Password calls. In the case of the List User, List User Access, Grant User Access, and Revoke User Access calls, the username is part of the request URL instead of a JSON message body. In these cases, the host can be specified with the username using the format of username@host, for example testuser@ Should a username contain the character ‘@’, the hostname must be specified explicitly, as in user@name@%.


Due to a limitation of the routing middleware, users with periods (.) in their name can be parsed incorrectly in GET, DELETE, and PUT calls, where such a name is the last section of the request URL.

In these cases, you must escape the periods by URL encoding them as “%252E”, so “some.user” would become “some%252Euser”. Note that CREATE calls are not affected as these names are in JSON data, and not part of the request’s URL. For request examples with escaped periods in user names, refer to List User Access.